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Norse Mythology 101

Artist rendition of Yggdrasil
Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life

Norse Mythology 101 Class Syllabus

Lesson 1: Introduction
A short introduction to Norse Mythology. When and where it began. Short overview of some of the myths and legends in Norse Mythology. An introduction to the deities that will be covered in this class. Lecture mid-week.

Lesson 2: Loki & Sigyn
Lesson 3: Odhinn
Lesson 4: Frigg
Lesson 5: Thorr & Sif
Lesson 6: Freyja
Lesson 7: Njord
Lesson 8: Skadi
Lesson 9: Balder
Lesson 10: Idun
Lesson 11: Bragi
Lesson 12: Aegir
Lesson 13: Ran
Lesson 14: Freyr
Lesson 15: Gefion
Lesson 16: Heimdall
Lesson 17: Tyr
Lesson 18: Hermod
Lesson 19: Hel
Lesson 20: Honir
Lesson 21: Mimir
Lesson 22: Gullveig
Lesson 23: Ull
Lesson 24: Forseti
Lesson 25: Audhumla
Each lesson will cover each deity, or deities where appropriate. For each lesson I will cover the importance of the deity/deities in Norse Mythology as well as correspondences and a few other things. I will cover brief stories of the deities in their part of Norse Mythology. I will cover some of their correspondences as well. I will also cover anything else that I decide to add into the lessons. There will be a lecture in mid-week for each lesson. I will give assignments out then and they are due before I send you the information for the next lesson. If you are unable to attend the lecture I will be able to send you the entire transcript for the lecture.


For this class I would recommend a notebook or binder that you can keep notes in. I would also recommend either a pen or pencil as well as a highlighter. There is no required text for this class. Enjoy class and see you in chats during the week.

Thank's for visiting, Lady Lilith